
System Requirements

Kabeja requires the following software to be already installed in your system:


  • Download a binary-distribution
  • Unzip
  • Change to the Kabeja-folder
  • Windows: double click Kabeja.exe
  • All Other: use java -jar launcher.jar (for more memory use java -Xmx512m -jar launcher.jar)

You can find DXF samples in the samples/dxf-folder.


For building Kabeja you need Ant 1.6 (or later). For the build use the following steps:

  • Download a source-distribution
  • Unzip
  • If you want to build the Cocoon-block, copy 'blocks.properties' to 'local.blocks.properties' and edit the path to the Cocoon-libraries.
  • ant
Date: 10.03.08